DIY cut off thrifted shorts
DIY pyrite necklace
Random other jewelry
F21 poncho
Sam Edelman booties
Etsy ear cuff
What a crazy Easter day. Almost 50 people over at my parents house, delicious food, my dad talking about an orgy he went to once that ended up being a bunch of guys playing cards, teaching my aunt how to do haircuts, The Office, and watching funny/obscene youtube videos. Sounds like your typical Easter. Oh, and my brother was in charge of "hiding" eggs around the backyard for the little kids egg hunt. I guess he wanted them to use their brains and be strategic? Or maybe just get hurt?

Recently I have been contacted about promoting stores and items, and after much thought I have decided to go about things a little differently. Some history here, first. I have had a job since I was a wee little 14 year old child, and since then (even before then, really) I have had to pay for anything I wanted. When I was younger, this was a huge embarrassing deal to me because my friends got whatever they wanted from their parents, and then there were my parents that would ask for money from us when we drove through Taco Bell. I had to pay for my car insurance since I could drive, cell phone when I was 16, and I even moved out of my parents house into an apartment when I was in high school. I paid for it all myself. This is not to say my parents were not ever monetarily supportive. If I needed to borrow, that was never an issue. But, I learned the value of money at a young age, and I am very conscious of where it goes now. Whatever I have wanted, I have done myself, with my own drive and motivation. It is hard to start out doing makeup with hardly a "real" makeup kit, but that is what I wanted to do, so after a lot of promoting myself, screwing up, spending my own time and money, and doing free portfolio work, I finally got where I wanted to be. Oh yeah, you guys probably didn't know - before hair came makeup. I have been doing makeup for about 7 years now. Hair for almost 3. I've got quite a bit on my resume for makeup, including tons of fashion shows, editorial work, cinema, yadda yadda. I am rambling, but the point is that I worked hard for what I wanted and appreciated and needed the support of everyone - and if it weren't for the smaller local businesses and artists out here, I would not have made it very far.
SO with all of that probably unnecessary mumbo jumbo, I made the decision to promote and work with independent artists and designers that I believe in. I want to show everyone what I love, and I want everyone to support these people as well, if you also love their work. They are working hard to get their things out in the open, and I believe it shouldn't go unnoticed. There are some amazing people out there with amazing talent that deserve some spotlight. In future posts you will be seeing numerous independent artists things (jewelry and such), and possible give-aways as well. Exciting, right? I am stoked about it.
Another thing I am stoked on? These handmade rings. Phenomenal. Buy them