top c/o standard excess, velvet tie dye shorts from etsy, thrifted sweater, boots, and bag
Behold, the hill in front of my house! From this hill has come many chicken, roosters, dogs, and children. Like clockwork during the evening at the bottom of this hill, a lady yells an indistinct word REPEATEDLY for minutes straight. No one stops her, and I have no clue who she is or the purpose of her ritual chant. Sometimes we sit on my porch and just listen. I decided it was necessary to do something bizarre on this hill to add to the mix, and though at this point taking blog photos isn't that strange, it is my duty to contribute to the list of random things that go on atop this hill.
So, here I am, wearing a top sent from
Standard Excess, a cool etsy shop that has a MAJOR store sale going on right now. 50% off all vintage, people! Check them out because they rule, obviously.