net top c/o movement 33 vintage, boots from ebay, gypsy necklace from euphoria, thrifted tank, bangs courtesy of myself using nail scissors/impatience
If you didn't notice in the last post, I now have this weird face framing bang thing going on. When I wear my glasses I feel like Garth from Wayne's World. I guess that is acceptable. These photos were taken the other day when I was caught in the sea and morphed into a human. I dig this net top from Movement 33 Vintage. It's super random and crazy and makes me feel like a mermaid. Random and not making a ton of sense makes the most sense in my wardrobe. I'm all over the board.
3 things:
1. Make sure to enter my jewelry GIVEAWAY here.
2. I got the medical note for a dog as talked about in a previous post. (Hehe.) (Hooray!)
3. Listen to this song!