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I'm experiencing writer's block and I don't really feel like vomiting insignificant words into this post. Instead I would love for all you ladies to answer a few questions. I appreciate any and all feedback!
If asked why you dress the way you do, what is your answer? Not just "because I like it", please. What are you wanting to portray?
Do you dress in hopes of attracting the opposite sex?
If the way you choose to dress doesn't "flatter your body type" in a way the mainstream opposite sex would deem attractive, would you say you dress to impress women instead? If so, why?
Do you believe dressing in similar fashion can derive new friendships amongst similar people?
Do you look up to other women because of how they dress? Do you form opinions about other females based on their style?
If you are a fellow fashion blogger I would imagine that you'd be lying if you say you don't dress to impress. You want people to see what you are wearing. You are proud of it, otherwise you would not be excited to post pictures. You want to be a source of inspiration and be inspired. Am I right?
Otherwise, ask me anything on my Formspring. I'm bad about responding to blog questions on this thing, mostly because I assume my answers won't be seen by the person inquiring.