thrifted dress, boots, yin yang necklace and belt, ebay bootstraps, ebay cactus bag, flea market jewelry
Things have been hectic to the max, as I pretend to prepare to move across country in less than 3 weeks. I find myself putting everything off until tomorrow, while only accomplishing the most medicore of tasks before spending the rest of my time out with friends and family. Oh, I need to put all my furniture on craigslist today? Instead I'll go sit on a patio and dine, and probably nap afterwards. Tomorrow I need to get boxes and pack? I think I'll just go to Jazz in June and stuff my face more while drinking. Five thousand e-mails and voicemails to respond to, and I can't even bare to listen or read right now. No thanks, I've got to sit and play with my dog. I'm a last minute sort, I guess. Things will never change.
I took these photos earlier this week before it was 10983 degrees out. Dis dress! It was too long, so I cut it and knotted up one side. I feel very Fred Flinstone meets Peg Bundy in it. Luckily I cut it too short, so I forever have to wear biker shorts underneath. *Yay*.
(Hi Patrick!) <---british guy who has a lot of hopes.
instagram: caseystrawberry