1 girl 1 post. This is my darling cousin and best friend Chrissa. Our mothers are identical twins and yet we each somehow popped out looking just like our fathers. At 5 feet tall, Chrissa has worn heels since she was like 2. She has had the joy of knowing and having to be around me her ENTIRE life. Lucky!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
watercolor dress c/o enidandedgar, jeffrey campbell shoes, body chain by cbdesigns, f21 bracelet
Okay. I have a new favorite dress. I want to wear this every single day. A day like this was perfect for it - the length, the light sheer cotton, and the pastels complementing the beautiful sunshine and (pretendclean) lake. Enid & Edgar Vintage was kind enough to send along this dress from their shop in Silverlake and I couldn't be more stoked on it, obviously. Check them out here, or just go visit their store if you live in LA! After my last derelict grunge post, I thought I would do a complete 180 and wear a flowy (still 90s inspired) watercolor dress with my hair up.
As mentioned before, I've photographed a few friends and still have a few more that I'd like to get in front of the camera, but for my babes-in-nebraska style post(s) I am having a tough time deciding the layout. I would like an honest opinion of what you, my fellow bloggers, would like to see. I am torn.
- Option #1. One girl per post. The girl wears one outfit, and I feature just her and what she is wearing. Maybe make it a weekly, or monthly thing. One gal per week/month. This makes it less chaotic and only spotlights one person out here at a time.
- Option #2. All girls in one post. They all wear one outfit from their closet, with a few photos of each girl. This gives the most variety in a single post so you can see back to back the individual unique styles of my friends.
- Option #3. Something else.
Monday, September 26, 2011
thrifted flannel and top, diy ripped jeans, voltavolta belt, yumena melody skull necklace, onemanband boots
This is probably something you've never seen before..and will hardly see. Me in PANTS. I don't typically like wearing jeans, as they are unflattering on me and rather boring in my opinion. So, naturally I cuffed the bottoms and cut the crap out of them. The photos don't show it but the entire seam on top is gone, and the pockets are useless now. Take that, pants.
If you are a reader of my blog, you know I am a fan of etsy.com. Almost all of my jewelry comes from there, as well as other clothing finds. If you aren't familiar with the site, it's mostly a wide array of jewelry, vintage, supplies, and art, created predominantly by independent sellers and artists. There aren't a lot of options for shopping out here (though we do have some great boutiques), and I prefer to wear one of a kind pieces that I know someone put their own hard work and love into. Aside from the item, the packaging itself is generally hand crafted and beautiful. With so much to see and buy on the internet, it is hard to get your name out there. I know this first hand as far as blogging goes, coming from the midwest where there are virtually no other bloggers around. For shopping - I think it's important to recognize the work and effort put in by these individuals and small companies, so you have and will see a lot of etsy items on my blog. Anyway, support your primarily-college-educated-20something-female-companies on etsy! And local stores as well. ;-)
With that rant, you KNOW I am wearing some etsy gear. This skull and cross necklace from Yumena Melody is one piece. So me, duh. If you like skulls and crosses and weaving with your chains, check out her store here. Also, my favorite new belt from VOLTA VOLTA. Seems like something I'd find hidden away in a grandparents attic, was my first thought when I saw it. Love this clock radio bracelet from their shop.
So much to do. How I make myself so busy is beyond me. I have too many hobbies and a million e-mails to respond to, as well as fitness junk and hair! And eating, of course. I NEVER skip out on eating. In fact, I think I'll go out to eat now.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
top c/o youreyeslie, f21 shorts, thrifted belt, infineight triangle in square necklace, topshop ankle boots
Awhile back Youreyeslie had told me they wanted to send me a few tops from their store...and I almost forgot I had them coming until the package was at my door step. Oh yeah! I'm sure you all have been to their site before, but if you haven't checked Youreyeslie out, you can here. My type-o store to the max. This top is only $16! Obviously I like this fringy deer cropped top. And triangles and outer space make up this awesome dress/top.
Speaking of triangles, this lovely triangle-in-square necklace from InfinEight is way rad isn't it? I love her geometric metal pendents. She has been nice enough to give my readers a 10% discount code - STRAWB10 at checkout. Use it! The necklace I have is only $24 dollars (plus 10% off). Yay!
If you read my last post, you know I spent a day this weekend looking for buffalo at Konza. Though there was a LOT of bison poo covering the prairie, none of the big jerks were around. All of them somehow out of sight. I guess it's easy to hide in over 2,000 acres of tall grass and flint hills. Lame.
A song to leave you with. Beyonce, psh. CEO.
For those of you that live in LA/Orange County - where do you like to get your hair done?
Saturday, September 17, 2011
bralette c/o hopeless lingerie, dagger necklace c/o lanaredman, bracelets from Namibia Africa and f21, skirt/scarf from f21, sweater from kaitlyn
This dagger necklace is as close to Pamela Love steez as I own right now. And guess what? It's less than $30 at Lanaredman. This New Yorker makes some wicked necklaces. These are some of my other favorites from her shop: one, two, tres. Isn't she great? Stones and bones and fringy pendents galore.
Hopeless Lingerie, an Australian company, was kind enough to send me this wonderful bralette complete with perfect triangle cut outs. Their collections are so stunning and innovative, and as explained on their site - their inspiration comes from "B-grade horror films, architecture, and modern art". Um, yes please. I love the cut-out on this cropped cami, and I'd love to see this pink-topped garter and it's straps peaking out from underneath some cut off denim shorts.
Getting a quickie in before all I can wear are pants and leggings. Yuck. Hate that stuff. Sweaters and coats are some of my least favorite things to wear, but pants? Don't even get me started. This is a busy weekend for me! Tomorrow I trek alongside buffalo in the rolling flint hills of Kansas, hoping to not die. Yeah, that's my only goal - no death.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
harvest moon tee c/o lune vintage, boots c/o onemanband, bag from the black market, thrifted and diy shorts, thrifted belt, jewelry from ebay, etsy, and f21
The only thing without some sort of fringy effect here would be my shoes. What can I say, I'm a sucker for those dangly strings. It makes wearing a cropped top like this acceptable in normal public settings, or so the not-disgusted looks I received throughout my day told me. I am in love with this Lune Vintage harvest moon tee. The image is very Fall, while the cut is very Summer. Perfect for right now, dontcha think? And it's only $30 here at their online store. The moment you click on their site link, you'll notice why the store is right up my alley. Bones 'n daisies 'n clothing. Also, if you follow me on twitter you have already seen this heckofafind purse that I got at The Black Market, a local buy/sell/trade store here. Could it be more what I was looking for? Fringe - check. Velvet - check. Tapestry - check. Locally handmade - bonus check.
So, two other things.
#1. What the heck should I be for Halloween? The trend for me has been something that works with my hair color. In the past few years I have (extremely successfully, and without a wig) been: Jessica Rabbit, Erin Esurance, Haruko from FLCL Peg Bundy, Tifa Lockhart from FF7, and an albino orangutang (just kidding, that's just me as a toddler). I'm thinking maybe Daria this year? Or something scary involving white contacts. Any ideas for me?
#2. I am considering doing a post, possibly a monthly post, featuring friends and their own individual style. So ya'll can see what us Nebraskees roam around this desolate state wearing. I think a number of you that have never been out here would be pleasantly surprised to find out that we don't all live in cornfields wearing overalls covered in cow dung. Though the country is great, I spend most all of my time in the cities. I mean really, would Lady Gaga really be building a house in Omaha if it weren't cool? Kidding. It's cool on it's own. ;-)
Monday, September 12, 2011
What a crazy week this has been for me and already Monday has come. I won't go into details but luckily today the chaos subsided and I got to relax by watching the Blue Angels air show while munching on hummus, crackers and cheese, sandwiches and Pepsi. Though Summer is coming to a close (sob), today was an exceptionally and wonderfully hot day. I am not a lover of this upcoming season like most everyone else, but I have got to say...all I want to wear is tapestry inspired clothing during Fall. Hard to come by good pieces, but I put together a little collage of things I'd love to have in my closet.
What Fall clothing are you most looking forward to?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
After finding my old pal Fangskully in my forgotten aquarium that previously inhabited my ex frogs, I decided to take her out and give her some ring friends. I even gave her a child. Baby Skully. Keep up with me for photo updates and sarcastic rants here when I'm too busy to blog.
Friday, September 2, 2011
gypsy warrior drape jacket, asos cuff
That first photo is way dramatic, isn't it? Lets pretend it is me being scared of the BUG THAT CRAWLED ON MY FACE a few nights ago. I was minding my own business, sleeping, and half woke up to the feeling of something crawling on my face. I brushed it off, thinking nothing really of it, on top of being half awake so I was delusional. Fell back asleep, and minutes later I felt it crawling on my shoulder. Brushed it off again, this time with more force. Terrified, I somehow fell back asleep thinking maybe I was dreaming it all. My mom will occasionally bring up that when I was younger I used to believe I was being invaded by insects when I was in bed...I remember I couldn't stop scratching my entire body and freaking out, like a meth addict. Awful bed times. I haven't had that fear or paranoia for a long time so you can imagine how absolutely PETRIFIED I was when the bug came back again! Seriously, a third time! This time I felt it on my nose and grabbed the little sucker and chucked in the air of my dark room where it made a chilling "ting" sound on my wall. Legit bug on my face. Not some whack childhood nightmare anymore. I didn't sleep much the rest of the night. I normally do not kill insects, but whatever that was had to go. Jeesh, if it wanted some warmth it should just go back outside where it's 90+ degrees at all hours of the night.
Totally feelin my new drape jacket from Gypsy Warrior. Love the skulls used as part of the leopard print. Get it here. Also, for Labor day weekend GW is giving $25 off of any $100 purchase, so jump on that. Ps...that rose-gold cuff only cost me $7 on asos and now they only have it in gold and it's $27? Weird.
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