Saturday, October 22, 2011


Oh how I miss this lady. This is one of my besties, Lacey. This girl typically rocks Mad Men inspired vintage and thrifted clothing better than almost anyone I know. If I wore the same style of rad vintage like she does, I would look like an old beast of a woman. Not her. Killin' it like whoaaaa.
After interning for NPR, my poopsy left me for LA. Yet another reason to go visit. Funny thing, we actually met on Myspace years ago. I mean, YEARS ago. Back when I was living in the SF bay and she was new to Lincoln. When I came back, BAM, sparks flew and we became amazing friends. COME BACKKKKKKKKKKKKK.



  1. Wow, as I was scrolling down I was thinking MadMenMadMenMadMen, and then you just took the words right out of my mouth, haha.

    Amazing outfit, totally reminds me of Joan Holloway - she looks great.

  2. omg i freaking love this! u look sooo retro with that glasses!

  3. Aww wow! she looks amazing. How come all of your friends are so stylin'? Her glasses are awesome.

  4. You have a very stylish buddy ! Im sorry to hear that she has up and left you, I know how separation anxiety can be especially when it comes to your best pal :/ But then (like you mentioned) you have to go out west to see her and Im sure it would make for a great little vacation. Hey ! I didnt know you lived in SF, greetings from the bay area love !

  5. I love your friend's glasses! It's weird how you become close friends with people

  6. love it! i love that her wardrobe has such a thematic element.
