Monday, January 2, 2012


As far as the partying goes, to me New Year's Eve is just another night minus tights add cold wind. Every year is hyped up and then always a disappointment of some sort, typically weather related. With that being the trend, I have decided to no longer hype up any night. All weekend nights are lame and full of male predators until proven otherwise. Usually I am proven wrong and in turn end the night with a big cheesy grin plastered on my face until I fall asleep. 

I cringe a little when I hear talk of outrageous NYE resolutions because I am a pessimist and have little faith in people's words and a lot of faith in their laziness. For those of you who have successfully completed last years resolution(s), congratulations - and slap me in the face! In fact, I would love to regain conviction in the general publics ability to stick with goals that require the start date of January 1st. My outlook on this is largely due to the fact that I don't believe I would stick with a typical year long resolution that is so contrasted to who I am or what I am doing currently. I tend to really REALLY try to stick to my word, so I set realistic goals that don't go "public" until I know I can and will be on my way to achieving them. When people throw out these theoretical new year lifestyles, I can't help but roll my eyes knowing they are frivolously lying to themselves and they don't even realize it yet. After years of sitting on the couch pigging out you're suddenly going to hit the gym 6 days a week and cut out pizza? But only after January 1st sadly comes? People, come on. You're setting yourself up for failure and how is that motivating? I believe in realistic determination and goals, so if you are one to always set a New Year's resolution and then come next year you realize you failed, be more conscious of who you are. Don't completely stop doing the things you love, but set goals that can be achieved instead. The more you say and don't put into action, the less likely you are to stick with future goals and the harder you will be on yourself. And the more you say you will do things and then don't, the less I take you seriously. The less anyone takes you seriously. I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, but I really get sad when people consistently flake or quit. 

I hope you all do make pragmatic goals, and I give a big high five to those who stick with what they say. Realistically in 2012 I hope to travel a lot, continue my work out regimen, and read more Edward Abbey. Off to a month long vacation of deserts and oceans and road tripping. Peace out, I will be updating this as I go. 

Edit: I feel as though I have made everyone believe that I think they should not make ANY resolutions - that resolutions are stupid. This is not the case, you should ALWAYS try to make goals and better yourself. I'm not that much of a pessimist. ;-)



  1. I agree with you completely on resolutions. I don't even make resolutions anymore because I've decided that if I want to make a change in my life, I'm just going to do it, not wait for some magical day or let the pressure of another year stop me from doing what I love.

    Anyway, I love your outfit to bits as well ;)

  2. Well said! I absolutely agree with you about resolutions (and new years eve in general, although I admit to preparing a little more than usual for a get together I had with friends). I rarely make any resolutions, and if I do make them, they're certainly not a drastic life-change. I believe in making those sort of small goals all throughout the year if you would like to make goals!
    On another topic, your outfit is gorgeous. Your dress is amazing! You are quickly becoming a favourite of mine when it comes to blogging :)

  3. first off, oh my goodness have an amazing vacation!

    I haven't set a new year's resolution because of the reasons you stated.. I guess I am working on myself and trying to get to a place where I want to be, and I don't feel like putting it down as a specific new year resolution will help.. I mean, I definitely like setting goals for myself, but achievable ones and not just because there is a holiday set around it.

    I like your new year's dress, and yes we mid westerners have the cold problem.. :( so, sorry you were chilly!

  4. My only goals for this year are just to be more positive and stop answering people who aren't used to my humor, sarcastically. I've lost so many possible friends due to this. It's often mistaken for 'attitude' or 'bitchy-ness' but i'm neither! I just like to have a little fun, and I don't see the harm in answering once in a while with some smart comments. It will also be to try and film things when I go out, even like 15 second clips. Anything.

    I looooooooove your dress so much, your necklace too. Always digging the jewelry on this blog. You're so pretty Casey.

  5. Really great post on resolutions! I hate making them for exactly reasons you point out...when I'm fickle or flakey it's such a disappointment! Haah

    So yeah, I just didn't make any!

    Happy happy to you.

  6. Amen sistah. Honestly, didn't even set any resolutions for myself. My thing is that if you wanna do something, just do it, regardless of what the date is. Some people may very well stick with it because of the motivational magic of new beginnings, but I always just prefer to go with the flow and change what needs to be changed whenever the occasion calls for it.

    You look fab!!! Of course I am in love with your necklace and dress... this whole look is amazing.

  7. i'm so in love with that dress.
    it's so edgy but totally classy.
    you look fab as always

    xoxo katlin

  8. Take me on your magical road trip. ;____;

    This past year, I met like, one or two of my resolutions -- mainly because I lost interest in the other ones, plus 2011 was wicked crazy and completely put me on another set of tracks. My life changed a lot last year! However, the year before that, I completed my entire list of resolutions, and there might have been like, five or six? I was pretty stoked.

    My resolutions this year, off the top of my head, are to work out on my pudgy belly, and get on the ball about learning German. Translated: instill some damned self discipline.

  9. i don't make new years resolutions... well not normally, but not because i'm lazy it's because i have resolutions everyday all year long and am always working on them. it feels silly to just do it for the new year.

    but cheers to your awesome nye outfit!


  10. I agree with you on resolutions! And just so you know, I made mine come true this year -- study harder but don't let myself get overwhelmed with school like I was first semester of sophomore year, and to hang out with my friends more. Both achieved!

    I love your dress, so cool!

    xx maggie

  11. Happy New Year! I don't make resolutions, if something needs changing I just do it. I'm not one for following rules.
    Your NYE looked brilliant. I adore your outfit, That pendant and crochet dress are stupendously sexy! xxx

  12. amazing and fun pics!

    I wish to u a brilliant 2012!
    New post from paris on my blog: I'm waiting for u!

  13. awesome photos~ i agree with your perspective. that's why i make a few resolutions instead of a long list so i know that i'll be more likely to commit to them. i'm also a realist as in i believe in setting goals that are reasonably attainable. cool blog too. keep in touch! <33


  14. Girl with the long dark hair is HAWT. And you look like a beautiful leaf.

    Resolutions are great -- but if you wait until the New Year to make them, you are setting yourself up for failure. Too much stock in an arbitrary date. You want to change something in your life, just put your mind to it and do it. Quit smoking? Do it! Work out? DO IT! Anyway, love you <3

  15. You look so rad! My resolution last year was to blog, so TAKE THAT NEGATIVE NANCY! My resolution this year is to eat a ton of junk food. Obtainable goals.

  16. Very rock chic! Love the dress x

  17. loooove that lipstick on you. and HOLY CRAP that necklace!

  18. I loved everything about your outfit, from the dress to the color of the lipstick you chose (:
    And I agree with you about the New Years resolution lol


  19. oh, you're dressed to kill! I love your blog, I'm following you, ckeck mine out,


  20. wow nice dress :)
    happy new year

  21. I don't make New Year's resolutions either so I can relate to your feelings, but I constantly make short and long term goals for myself. The working out one is probably devised by the fitness industry to drum up sales this time of year. I believe in bettering myself every single day, staying positive, and reaching my goals. No resolutions/breaking them for me :)

  22. Ooh I love the vibe of these photos, the first is my fave. I hear you about the resolutions, if I make some big vague resolution I'll just set myself up for failure. I look at New Year's as more of a time to regroup and get my shit together if necessary haha.

  23. oh my gosh, the gypsy lace dress looks perfect on you! xx

  24. and a bid led zep on nye sounds great. btw, we nearly had the same nye outfit, but we listened to ac/dc ;)

  25. I love the shade of your hair! So gawjus!

  26. Really love your dress and leopard coat! And your necklace is FABULOUS! Love it! xx
