lenni vintage shorts, thrifted top and purse, vintage boots
I'm going to have to give myself a pat on the back for my recent dollar sale thrift excursion; this weird wool-nylon blend sweater probably ranks highest. No, that is not a black cropped top underneath, but instead a tighter knit section of the same shirt. Well that takes care of that. Just add a simple bandeau in place of a bra, and you've got a nice pancake-smushed-boob bod ready for 60 degree dumb weather with no other unnecessary layering.
The shorts were sent to me awhile back from the amaaaazing Lenni of Lenni Vintage, and I am stoked that it's finally almost that time of year again for itty bitty clothing. I recently re-watched some Louis CK and I admire his disgust for overused words that completely debilitate the actual meaning. "Amazing" is one of his hated dampened words that everyone throws around. CK has a friend who exclaims how amazing his bucket of chicken wings is, to which CK replies something like "Wow, really? You just made the rest of your life boring by
comparison. If those chicken wings are 'amazing', what are you going to
say when Jesus comes back?" Anyway, I bring this up because Lenni Vintage DOES have amazing shorts. Perfect patterned tassel-y upholstery shorts. Amazing. Comparable, even, to the apocalypse. That is assuming the apocalypse will be amazing. I NEVER EXAGGERATE AND I ONLY EVER USE WORDS THAT ARE APPROPRIATE. I AM A GENIUS.
On a non-exaggerated note, I think I'm dying. I have a strange whistling windy noise in my ears that is driving me insane. It's been going on for days now and it's getting worse. It's as if I was just at a loud concert on an airplane underwater. I don't know how I haven't ripped my brain out yet.
Look at Sticky.